Sunday, December 20, 2009

A new book - Computational Intelligence in Expensive Optimization Problems

Here is a book on optimization problems. It is going to be available in April 2010. The book includes a chapter with title "An evolutionary approach for the TSP and the TSP with Backhauls" written by H. Sural, N.E. Ozdemirel, I. Onder and myself.

If you want more details from Springer web page:

"In modern science and engineering, laboratory experiments are replaced by high fidelity and computationally expensive simulations. Using such simulations reduces costs and shortens development times but introduces new challenges to design optimization process. Examples of such challenges include limited computational resource for simulation runs, complicated response surface of the simulation inputs-outputs, and etc. Under such difficulties, classical optimization and analysis methods may perform poorly. This motivates the application of computational intelligence methods such as evolutionary algorithms, neural networks and fuzzy logic, which often perform well in such settings. This is the first book to introduce the emerging field of computational intelligence in expensive optimization problems."
Computational Intelligence , Engineering Design Optimization, Evolutionary Algorithms, Expensive Problems

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